Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Breakfast Tied Into Dieting/Bulking/Cutting

For one I love breakfast!

Two, I only eat what helps my body with my goals in mind! That's for another time!
Eat a high protein based breakfast! It starts your metabolism to run, as well as burn more calories throughout the day because you started it from the moment you woke up from sleep.  Eating will help you lose weight once you master it!
Rule of thumb:

Bulking, the goal is to take double your weight in grams of protein a day. Plus you are eating everything and anything you can get your hands on. Please be health conscious! Over due it and you will become fat! Find your own balance and listen to your body.

, maintaining is to take in your body weight in grams of protein to sustain the weight you are at but to add lean muscle. KEY, I'll go more in depth on the do's and dont's of what to eat, high protein based diet with low amounts of carbs (how to get shredded).

How I got shredded... started at 170 lbs. Bulked up to 195, took 2 years!

Then cut down to 153 lbs. Now I am 40 pounds lighter but just as strong! what!

Yes I do lift Tues-Friday off Sat and Mon. (Maybe you don't have that much time... MAKE IT HAPPEN)!!

For about 2 hours a day!

Overall your body is only going to grow based upon what you feed it. Start making the healthy choices now and transform through diet alone to reach your goals.

What are your goals?!

Please Share

Free Amino Prime Free Trial

AminoPrime users get shredded with Anabolic Performance Enzyme Technology™ only found in AminoPrime! FREE Trial!

Change is possible. 70 weeks ago.

This is me 70 weeks ago.  I've come a long way but I did purposely bulk up to that weight of 193.  I didn't like it and I knew I had the muscle and strength.  Now I just have the same strength at 153.  I love it, more energy which motivates me to face the dealings of life head on.  I am probably the last person I would have ever thought to start a blog and share everything in my life.  That or to the extent I choose lol 

Just have fun with it because that's all I'm doing with my life now!!! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chin Up Video and Insight

Form is key and has to be applied to every single exercise ti the T. (My Standards)

**Full Workout Videos Available in the Future! EX: Back, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Deadlifts, ETC. Right here!**

Follow my life as an Entrepreneur, this is a dedicated bodybuilding nd general health tips, but lets keep it light and talk about everything going on in this CRAZY world!

Bodybuilding is part of my lifestyle and is not going anywhere. Tip, Comment, Question, Hate... It's all motivation!

A little more background about me... I played high-end level roller and ice hockey from the age of 7 - 18 playing consistently throughout the years.  Played Pro-Level roller hockey for a season with New Jersey Nightmare out of Voorhees, NJ.  With sports, the gym goes hand in hand to get strength to out perform the competition blah blah blah... In the end what I'm trying to say is that I have been training since the age of 16. Stopped at 17 years old, then picked it back up at 19 and here I am now, age 21. Three years back in the game of training 4-5 times every week with true consistency. The gym I go to is special, why? It's a hardcore gym with 150 lbs dumbs, you can bang, grunt, there's no tools there for the most part.  I surround myself by successful bodybuilders and people that throw 450 on their chest as an everyday thing.  I'm not touching that yet haha.  I just watch, ask questions, figure out the little things that make the difference. Just don't go through the motions, reach your limits and then break them! It takes time but what else do we have to do? Might as well take care of ourselves.

Get serious, train to actually train, not to get buy and feel good that you just walked through the gym doors and call that an accomplishment. Step it up, but it's only going to happen if YOU pump it up a notch!

Subscribe and Share Please!


Amino Acids... Why YOU Should Use Them!

Amino Acid Facts!

I Supplement With Amino Acids! Here's A Great Complex Blend. Recommended!

Here is a video by on how Amino Acids work and how essential they are for both MEN and Women. Do not be afraid of gaining mass ladies, because that's not going to happen unless you start to eat like me. **I challenge you in that case**  This will help you achieve a nice toned figure.

Guys, if you hit the gym hard, this stuff will only make you hit it harder.  ENOUGH SAID!

This product is for both Men and Women and results will depend on your work ethic, consistency, and diet!



Don't be strangers...

Say YOOOOO whats good Darren!?!

Feel free to ask about anything. This doesn't just have to be strict fitness. I want to have an enjoyable blog for people interested in fitness and want what I want. Feel free to comment / hate / ask questions / bring up topics around the globe. Honestly anything goes, but I'll keep feeding cool things to you all!


Monday, January 6, 2014


This is just a taste of what I do!







Let's talk about it...

How I grew up (Lifestyle Circumstances)... Another time. Still my, #1 MOTIVATOR!

For me it comes from music. May not be your style but I'm HUGELY into metal. The technicality in the instruments and the time it took to reach that level is hardcore dedication! I used to do vocals in a band but more on that a different day. A practicing adrenaline junkie, I live for the fast pace implied to my everyday lifestyle and is placed on everything I do**make note**. I get motivated by listening to music because it's another one of my strong loves. Music + Gym = The best feeling in the world. And it's my world, I'm in my head, pushing, strengthening my physical and mental barriers.

Where I lift: The Gym I Live By
There are plenty of people who have an easy 100 lbs on me. Professional bodybuilders including Women's IFBB Pro Stacy Simons who I train side by side in the gym. I do my own thing but I watch and take notes. I am always a student looking to gain new knowledge in the gym and life. This is me sharing my knowledge from what I a fortunate enough to be exposed to. I pick up all different tips and insights, which I combine to work the best for me. Learn to listen to your body, it speaks to you, give it what it wants. *KEY*

The fact that I can bang weights around and not get an earful is pleasant! Another huge motivator for mental focus and cutting out distractions. In the end, enjoy where you lift!

I just roll through my workout as I will show you in the videos that are soon to come little snipets and full length workouts to come. Watch me in action! Sorry I'm off Mondays and my lower back is tight haha

The passion to do well, if you cant do it for yourself just by having a certain love one to care for will make you kick it up a gear! Right?!

Ever reached such a low point in self worthlessness, even extending to depression which affects 1 in every 10 Americans!
I only talk on real facts and have sources to back them up.

I understand how it feels to be so low that it swallows your mind and you can't stop focusing on the bad. This is really my personal life and my NEW journey that I've embarked as an internet entrepreneur and bodybuilder. It's not bad however reaching this state of mind unless you let it get out of control. I was only sucked into depression for a straight year. I understood I needed to make a change and took it upon myself to create something out of nothing! It gave me the strength to be where I am at right now and I do not plan on going back!


This all comes full circle as your training's will, but it's MOTIVATION, DEDICATION, COMMITMENT, REPETITION. It can get boring but I'll motivate you and show you how to switch things up! From getting shredded to bulking like a bear. I got some insight I could share.


LIKE me on Facebook!
Facebook DarrenPlotkinTraining

Tip #1: What Do I Drink?

Hmm are you excited? because it's not exciting but I cant get enough of it.


Thats the key!

Tip #1:

By only drinking water I am giving my body all that it needs without all the excess sugars and carbs in drinks on every shelf in the United States today.

Hard habit to break... NO! It's bad for you, look at it as smoking a cigarette, which I am currently into my first week of quitting with success so far.

Cut out the fake fruit juices, sodas, random non-natural drinks filled with the wrong stuff!  They market to what you like so don't listen!  Read labels, proof is right on it!

I also just started doing all natural vegetable and fruit smoothies packed with whey or natural protein! That's a beast of a shake with no grams of fat and high protein!

This shake I did not add any protein, just great natural carbs plus glutamine. Breakfast of champions. Pears, strawberries, apples, bananas, lemon widget, organic agave (natural sweetener), glutamine. Will add whey protein or hemp seeds. 5g protein w/ 1 tbsp naturally... cool right.

How to lose fat? Don't eat fat!?!  Great for meal replacements!  Drink 4 or more of these a day of all different fruit and veggie concoctions.  Get creative! Make recipes!  


Sunday, January 5, 2014

What To Talk About: Men and Women Bodybuilding / Training / General Health & Fitness

What to talk about:

Bodybuilding, stamina training, cutting cycle, bulking cycle, cardio, get lean w/o crdio (personal favorite), diets along to each lifting stage, supplements, do's and dont's, motivation, mentality, lifestyle.....

Basically everything and anything about general health and fitness for BOTH men and women.

I have trained and helped many people in the gym because I expect excellence and perfect form for every exercise I do.  If you hold yourself to that alone, you're already ahead of everyone.  BREAK YOUR BARRIERS, YOU HAVE NO LIMITATIONS!

Please be respectful to all subscribers and don't take things person.  It's all constructive criticism, we are just going to break some mental barriers you have from reaching you personal goals.

For those of you who are not on a beginners level please work and help with the knowledge that comes along with this lifestyle. I am glad to learn things from you and hope you feel the same vice versa.


21 Year Old Successful Bodybuilder

I trained since 16 years old for ice hockey, played roller and ice hockey since age 7 to 19 highly competitively.  As well as many other sports! Started training seriously at 19 and now 21 made some big transformations.  Through dedication to make it my lifestyle.

I takes 2 -2 1/2 hours out of my day 4-5 times a week! 

Just replace 2 of those "lazy hours" of your day just 3 times a week!  Get results!  

There's still more than that...

January 22, 2013  153 lbs.
Deadlift: 425 lbs. belt, strapped  X 1 at 154 lbs.  PR
Video Below!!


Bottom left = June 3, 2012 185 + lbs
Top left = Jan 22, 2012 180 lbs
Right = Jan 2, 2013 153 lbs n stronger than ever.

Click Here to watch me shrug 495 lbs at 20 yrs old, between 176-182 weight

One of my personal favorite private small businesses HTFU run by what I would call the new breed entrepreneurs, real down to earth people.   "Harden The Fuck Up" promotes more than just the word F%$K! in their name. They are talking about everyday life, getting through day to day things when you should just harden the f%$k! up. MEN and WOMEN, you have your life in your hands and can make the right decisions with proper guidance and a mentor. Gaining knowledge from a person who lives this lifestyle and willing to share it is priceless! I am saying just that.   Please try to broaden your limits because I don't have any.  There is not one thing I cannot accomplish.  I've proved it to myself even at my age of 21.  YOU have absolute control and take action, even if it's just learning to get MOTIVATED! All these topics will be touched based on separately with your subscription to my blog.

Daily updates, Tips, My Personality, Training Videos, How To's, Muscle Confusion, DIET! 

Guess what I love food and I'll eat off your plate!  lol.  But it's how I eat which is the key. 80% diet 20% gym.  It all comes full circle as an active and self confidant kind of lifestyle.  No LIMITATIONS!  You already know what you have to do...

Subscribe to get access to all my weekly newsletters, tips, tricks, and all bodybuilding info from across the board.  From supplement to straps.  Chest to lats.  I got you covered.  

I am an internet entrepreneur and include bodybuilding as a daily routine into my schedule.  I love what I do and wish to share my knowledge as well as yours.  Please comment, share, lots of love.